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Debug PDA Part

I assume you have basic knowledge what is IP Address, Network Mask, Gateway, Routing, DNS, DHCP and you know how to use commands like: ping, tracert, nslookup, netstat etc. Else this won’t be very useful for you even if I’m doing it as simple as I can. I just hope you don’t have to pass by this part. I have to say that no third part software is use. I’m doing the debugging only with the MS Windows build-in utilities. I have to add that as you can see in my Tutorials I use different IP addresses for example. It is made in purpose trying to make you familiar with the basic privet TCP/IP addressing.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.

Debugging is made form the Computer as the tools I (you) are using are present there. You can always use a third part software but if you don’t have one you have to deal with what Microsoft has given us.

After you establish the Bluetooth connection type form a DOS shell (Start | Run... type cmd then press Enter)


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Then you network adapter is working. now lets ping the PDA. It is all most the same way only the IP change.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Then the problem is resolved. You are having a Bluetooth network working.

* Your Windows is going to add IP Address to any connected adapter that doesn't have one hard coded or if no DHCP server is present. You can verify you PDA address by: Click Start | Settings | Connections | Connections (icon) | Advanced | Bluetooth PAN user driver

Related Tutorials:

"Workaround for Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on Windows XP SP2 Systems with only one Network Interface Card (NIC) or ADSL-Cable Modem and Generic Bluetooth adapter"

"How to Host Personal Area Network (PAN) on you PDA"

"HP 2210 Internet Setup NAT/ICS the Computer configuration"